Torque Reset in Alpharetta GA

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Dr Bulmash’s understanding of joint mechanics is based on years of martial arts training combined with lifting and strength coaching at the state, national, and world levels. By skillfully blending his expertise and his many years of studying and practicing chiropractic, naturopathy, nutrition, biomechanics, neurology, and martial arts, Dr. Bulmash has developed a unique system of bodywork called Torque Reset. Torque Reset is a method of chiropractic care in Alpharetta GA that uses soft tissue and adjustment techniques to improve chronic problems resulting from injuries, poor bio-mechanics, poor neurology, or excessive wear and tear issues of daily living.

How it works in Alpharetta GA

Dr. Bulmash makes precise corrections to areas of somatic dysregulation with the intent to eliminate not only local but global imbalances in the body that keep it from functioning optimally. Torque Reset is a gentle yet highly effective method for increasing general and specific areas of function and performance and yields noteworthy results for a wide range of patient issues.

Torque Reset is a comprehensive approach to correcting spine, extremities, soft tissues, brain, and organs by optimizing the interconnectedness of the body which results in improved coordination, reduced pain, increased energy, faster recovery, and improved mood.

Call us today to schedule your initial exam and corrective session at (770) 740-8228.

9:30am - 6:30pm


9:30am - 6:30pm


9:30am - 6:30pm

Saturday & Sunday

Health Matters:
Nelson D. Bulmash, DC

11080 Old Roswell Rd #100
Alpharetta, GA 30009

(770) 740-8228